Fighting With the Wrong Weapons
Are you fighting with bronze age weapons in an iron age war? Are you fighting with 20th century communication tools in a 21st century digital battle?
A bow and arrow will lose against guns and cannons every time, just as flyers and pamphlets will lose against texts and videos. The modern workplace has changed, and only those who adapt to the times will survive.
For decades, employers have communicated with employees through printed documents, flyers, and face to face meetings using static powerpoint presentations. In the 20th century those communication mediums were the norm, so employees were accustomed to receiving information that way.
But in the 21st Century, few employees get their information from printed communications. They receive their information digitally, in short and vibrant formats designed to grab their attention. Employers that want to educate their employees must utilize formats that are familiar to their employees, or else the value in their communications significantly diminishes.
When employers are faced with a union organizing drive, communication to employees is vital. Employees are deluged with misleading or outright false information about what a union brings to the workplace before employers are even aware of the presence of the union drive. Unions now reach your employees using modern communication methods in the manner your employees are accustomed to, and are effective in selling your employees on the value of a union.
Many union avoidance practitioners are comfortable with bronze age communication tools and are reluctant to move to the digital age. At Diverse Workforce Consultants, we are experts at wielding Digital Age technology to ensure your employees receive an accurate description of what unions could bring to your workplace and that the message is delivered in the ways that they are accustomed to getting it.
Contact us to see how Diverse Workforce Consultants can help you effectively communicate your message to employees using 21st century communication tools to 21st century employees.